Getting Started with HARP v2.0


First of all, you need to install these dependencies:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libopencv-dev python-opencv cmake valgrind libpython2.7-dev python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib libqt4-dev python-pyside python-traitsui

Next, extract the zip to a directory,e.g. /home/USER/Desktop/HarpTest. For now, make sure that you don't have spaces in the absolute path.
Then, simply follow the compile instructions as given for Version v1.0 here: How to Compile
Note that we split HARP into two top folders, HARP_Core and HARP_Kit. This helps to keep Python Code (=Core) from the HM Implementation (Kit).
So you need to enter HARP_Kit and run
Then, once you have compiled everything, you can simply test everything by starting up the ICIP2016 Demo application:

cd HARP_Core/Scripts

Some important notes:

  • This code is Linux only. If you are a Windows user, using VMWare or VirtualBox and Ubuntu 16.04 will work perfectly.
  • We decided to focus on the RDO, which means we dropped support for the decoder. HARP v2.0 hence will not build the decoder, nor support it. Of course, the bitstream is original HM14.0 and will decode with the default HM decoder perfectly.
  • Make sure you have 8 GB RAM or more. Make sure you have a swap if you set the NumPOCs in the Demo from 2 to 4, or alternatively 16GB.
  • Make sure your webcam is at source=0, or simply change the Demo code.
  • Have fun!


Contact: dominic[DOT]h[DOT]springer[AT]